Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year!

With the beginning of each new year, comes unending opportunities: the reflection and remembrance of special moments from the preceding year, the opportunity to learn and grow, both from our mistakes and our successes, the challenge to examine ourselves, for each of us to look within, to honestly assess the thoughts or situations in our lives that may be holding us back from actually soaring high enough to reach our full potential or our dreams.  A new year is a figurative clean slate, your life’s new year of blank pages, just waiting for you to fill.  It’s 365 days of opportunities for you to express your passion for life, loved ones, to lead by example, to promote joy, to be an encourager, to find things to be thankful for, to acknowledge your blessings, to face your fears, to overcome doubt, to pursue with radical enthusiasm that which your heart truly longs for.

I can’t say enough wonderful things about the men and women here at CountyLine Tool.  It is truly a privilege to work with them.  Thinking of them, I feel the core description of the CountyLine team would be to say “They have real heart”.  Out of the heart come so many beautiful things: commitment, honesty, kindness, compassion, and dedication.  They are all these qualities and more.

I think it’s safe to say most of us would agree that 2014 was not the best of economic times, however, we made the best of it!  We kept our focus on delivering superior quality refurbished and custom tools with outstanding customer service.  We continued on our path of improvements, pursuing ISO Certification (at approximately 85% completion), cross training, safety training, updating inspection equipment…. We are better individually and as a team at the end of 2014 then we were at it’s start, but not as good as we’re going to be in 2015!!

We make choices everyday in our personal lives and in business.  We want you to know we take your choices very seriously and we thank you for choosing CountyLine Tool.  We choose to care about your needs, down times, emergency response times, the quality of your refurbished and custom tools, providing unparalleled customer service …. about YOU!

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

I wish you a very Happy New Year!

Vonda Jones
